

"My mentors and professors reminded me and my classmates that we were not studying to earn a paycheck or to be at the top of the class. 而, we were preparing to to be the caregivers that keep our patients safe and not only assist in healing their medical ailments, but to demonstrate compassion as we collaborate in restoring our patients spiritual and mental needs."

卢尔德医院急诊护士,维塔圣母 & 托马斯·杰斐逊医院

“我认为作为一个年轻人, 非裔美国女护士, 尤其是在市中心, is what keeps me going — just seeing firsthand how my voice can truly impact others, and I can approach them in a way that is tangible and allows people to then get a better grasp of their own personal health. 人们在最脆弱的时候来急诊室找你, and I think it's a genuine honor to be able to see people in that light and give them compassion, and then see that either rewarded through a conversation or 身体上的 see the improvement of a patient. So, 这一切都是值得的,也让我不断回来, 因为有些日子确实很难熬."


“慈悲修女会的核心价值观体现在我作为护士的工作中. 护士全面照顾病人,包括他们的精神需求. 护士是一个团队. 在护士之间建立一个社区对我们和其他人都很重要. 如果我要从GMercyU身上拿走一个价值,那就是服务. 作为一名护士,我的职业生涯就是为他人服务. 最后,社会正义植根于我的实践. 我们关心“疲倦的人”, 可怜的, 不加评判地挤在一起,因为这是我们的责任和使命."

Registered Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit, Einstein Medical Center Montgomery

"I decided to be a nurse because I knew it gave me the opportunity to create that atmosphere for my patients and their 家庭 where they feel safe, 通知, 并能维护他们的尊严,适当地治愈他们的心灵, body, 和灵魂. 作为一名护士,你掌握着主动权, 尽管过去的两年(大流行)是多么可怕和黑暗, 这不能定义这一天——你可以, 你将拥有的经历, 或者你将拥有的环境类型. 你创造你想要的空间,你创造你是什么样的护士."

nursesweek_sambrown.pngSam Brown '20

“以慈悲为中心的教育培养了我的同情心, 同理心, 并努力为服务不足的社区服务. 我很幸运能在卡姆登工作,在那里我看到了一个人的大熔炉. 有时我们是他们多年来见到的第一个医疗人员, 所以我们对他们的健康有巨大的影响. My education has also given me a lot of strength to persevere through the struggles I have faced as a nurse. 它教会了我,无论多么疲惫, 我们为这个世界所做的一切都让我们变得更坚强."


“作为一名德国慈悲大学护理专业的学生, I was always taught by my professors to go into every shift and every patient care experience with Mercy. You learn about compassion for patients and therapeutic communication with patients. 在我多年的专业护理生涯中, I have learned that you also need to have compassion for yourself and therapeutic communication with your colleagues and yourself. 花点时间照顾好自己." 


"Being a nurse now requires not only all of the competencies and compassion that it always has, 还有处理暴力的所有社会影响的能力, 社会差距, 政治, 最近, 对犯错误的定罪. 护理是与社区和社会最接近的接口, 并且是它所带来的所有好与坏的接受者."

Director of Nursing Education, Research and Professional Development, Partners In 健康 

“护理对我来说真的是一扇大门, 提供的不仅仅是金融稳定, 通过带来一套切实的技能,提高我在全球卫生工作中的可信度, 但也要有多方面的能力去探索和尝试不同的职业道路, from clinical bedside nursing to teaching and now administration and research." 

nursesweek_laurenmitros.pngLauren Mitros, 18岁  

"When you are young and people ask you what you want to be when you grow up, I always said 'nurse.' That never changed once I grew up and actually started thinking about my career and life goals. 我喜欢学习新事物,医学是一个很好的地方. The things we can do as healthcare providers when someone’s life needs to be saved are truly amazing. We are all on this earth for a reason, and I believe one of my reasons was to be a nurse."


"My Mercy-centered education was a huge advant年龄 in my career and absolutely made a difference for how I approach the world of healthcare. 在某些浪潮中,大流行当然不是仁慈的, but my strong educational foundation allowed me to persevere when medicine was not enough."

Dana玫瑰Dana玫瑰 '20

"I think my experiences [during the pandemic] have helped shape the nurse I am today. Seeing the way staff came together during those times and the resilience and strength we all had definitely rekindled the spark I had to pursue nursing."


"I wanted to become a nurse because I loved the idea of holistic care and caring for someone mentally, 身体上的, 和情感上. 作为护士, 我们可以用这样一种独特而美丽的方式与人联系, while also having the nursing skills and critical thinking to keep each patient safe."


"All of the groundwork that GMercyU laid out for me helped me build my budding nursing career into something with a lot of promise."


"We all work and support each other regardless of 年龄, years of experience, etc.,因为病人是我们的首要任务...我每天都在学习."



"Becoming a mother-baby nurse has fulfilled my dream of caring for little ones. Another part of being a mother baby nurse that I love is educating new parents on how to care for their babies and themselves through this new st年龄 of their life. Having the privilege to be the emotional and physical support for these women through such a vulnerable part of their life is extremely rewarding."

nursesweek_stephaniewroten.pngStephanie Wroten ' 19

"My Mercy-centered education prepared me to care with focus on improving the circumstances of vulnerable populations. 我不会被复杂的医疗问题吓倒. 我利用循证护理实践来推动复杂的决策. I lead with open mindedness by developing understanding of how generational poverty, 歧视, 种族歧视, 社会经济不公正对健康产生负面影响. 我以同情心来领导."


nursesweek_annphalen.pngAnn Phalen,博士,CRNP, NNP-BC
院长,弗朗西斯·M. 马奎尔护理和卫生专业学校

"What separates a good nurse from a great nurse isn’t how easily you can find a vein or complete your patient’s care — rather it is the ability to combine the science and art of nursing to provide compassionate care for the whole person. [This is] a profession where you can truly make a difference in the lives of your diverse patients, 家庭, 和社区, 通常是在他们最脆弱的时候. 尽管面临挑战,护理仍然是一个非常有益的职业."


“我是一名儿科护士. 我告诉我的学生我有几次轮班很糟糕, 我的病人给我画照片让我高兴起来. I also tell them about the parents that said they felt comfortable getting coffee because their child was in my care. I share how nurses are the most trusting professionals and that we are advocates for our patients. I remind them that watching their patients improve after a tough course of illness is one of the most beautiful and rewarding parts of our job."